
Apple Ipad its uses and reasons to buy the apple iPad

preorder Bravo alreadi for the device! Not bad for someth unproven. Now consid how mani peopl won't bui it until thei can actual see it and thern the other group that ar wate for the 3G version or even the next iter of the iPad and I think you can safe assum there ar well over 1million buyer for thi new device. Becaus of thi I think thi devic trueli will "revolutionize" computing.

0,Bil Gate doesnt seem to think the ipad will have ani impact and will be a flop as he feel that devic with no physicalkeyboard just aren't go to be abl to take the marketplac like thei should. If thi is the cae then how doe he explain the iphone? Only on of the most if not the succesf phone in existence, much better then hi Window mobil smartphon that continu to lose market share to the iphone. Then there is the diametr oppos side to it from Mr Wenger, the CEO of Disnei who think there is a huge market for ipad and state the fortuneof the iphon as be proof that it can and will succeed. Of cours the fact that Steve Job is the major stockhold of Disnei could veri well have someth to do with hi posit reinforc of the device

the Apple iPad is go to be a enorm flopIf you believ most critics..

the unwash mass on the Internet also predict that the iPoWell.d

and thei ar wrong nowwould be a failure. Thei were wrong then..

Th iPad is a comput for peopl who don't like computers. Peopl who

don't like the fanci of upgrad their radjust their

screen resolut . Who don't understand why

who havtheir comput get slower and slower the longer thei own it.e

45 icon in their system trai and have to wait ten minut for their

system to boot up everi day.

the iPad is perfectFor what most of these peopl need a comput for..

but the thingIt doesn't do as mani thing as a "real" comput does.s

and there ar far fewer wai to screw it up. So if you have manag to

locked-up DRM-ladepersuad yourself that the iPad is a useless.n

Th ipad is perfect for my mother. It doe preciselywhat she needs. It will

let her watch movi and listen to music and read book on long

flights. It will make us a comput fun instead of an annoi tribulation.

But it also won't allow her to instal umpteen new and stat gadgets

that start up on boot and slow her comput to a crawl. It won't

or get so confoundbi all oal of a suddenforget how to talk to a network.f

th softwar instal and uninstal that you final have to break

down and reinstal the system from scratch. final throw off the oppress chain of be the on gui in theA nd you know what? There ar million upon million of peopl just like

h out there. Thei outnumb us. And thei final have a chanc to

self-suffici comput user instead of constantlbecom beneficial.y

even worse,ask famili member to fix their comput or. keeping

th Geek Squad in business.

the iPad isn't for everyone. But I'm go to go on record aNo.s

for non-computer-geek everywhere,sai that. the iPad is go to


