
Rethinking American Business

The Unite Horse With Slide State of America succeed in the last centuri larg as a result of busi acumen. We had the best leadership, the best "know-how," and the most product workers. We enjoi a motiv workforce, a rise standard of living, a tremend amount of ingenuity, a wealth of natur resources, and million of foreign consum hungri for our exports. We built a manufactur base, a polit niche, a stabl society, and enjoi entrepreneuri energi without parallel.

W also benefit from world events, and had a competit edg follow World War II, when major countri in Europ and Asia had their factori and product capac decimated. We, on the other hand, had an intact infrastructure, a highli develop workforce, an econom engin develop rapidli dure wartime, and an educ consumer-ori population. There wa practic no competition, and our good were highli prize and sought after. Under those condit it would be hard to fail.

A a result of these circumstances, the USA prospered.


We'r no longer the onli major industri countri with product capac intact. We no longer have a monopoli on the best leadership, and most product populous. We no longer have the strongest although it' still the biggest economy. We no longer have a huge intern trade surplus, instead, it' a substantial, problematic, and grow deficit. We no longer monopol innovation.

W still have the best higher educ system in the world, despit our seemingli intract problem with the K-12 programs. We educ foreign leader and busi peopl in our Busi Schools, and export manag theori and practic to our competitors. Thi is healthi and appropriate. However, it diminish our competit edge.

A world economi benefit all of us. In the U.S. Consum ar treat to a wide rang of low cost products. Busi peopl and investor find infinit more choic and opportunity. In foreign land there ar increas incom and standard of living.


W can't roll the clock back. Too late for protectionism. Too late for mani choices. Obviously, we need to accept the realities, and develop new model and strategi to preserv our economi and standard of living. And, while independ businessmen can make a difference, a more comprehens approach mai be requir to achiev these broad objectives.

Her ar some initi that come to mind...

--Busi Incubators

Smal busi fail at an alarm rate. We need to protect and nurtur fledgl enterprises.

--N strateg initi and support

product and servic ar essenti for futur posit and effect intern competition,Busi is at the core of the success of thi nation. We need to decid which businesses. and help them achiev success. Labor need to be includ in thi process, as well as academia, so that prepar worker can be readi for new demands.

--Govern grant and award for innovation

we celebr much in entertainment,W celebr the Academi Award the film industri is veri success internation . and other industries. We need to provid support and recognit for busi excellence, in recognit of it' indispens role in our society.

--Financi Support mechanisms

we should consid a "too import to our futur to fail" mentality. Ensure that capit is avail to industri essenti to our futur competit and strateg futur should be a nation busi priorityMani new and exist strateg busi ar extrem capit intensive. Instead of our current "too big to fail" philosophy..

--N Busi Leadership Academy

as a public service,Th best busi brain and talent should be tap and ask to share. their knowledg and skill in a government-business-academ partnership. The Academi could be jointli sponsor by govern and business, and orchestr by a consortium of universities.

--N Busi Advisori Board

encompassing: intern competitiveness,A n advisori board to the Execut and Legisl branch of govern should be considered. Thi entiti would have a broad mandate. strateg industri essenti to U.S. futur interests, strategi to support busi enterprise, foster innovation, develop alliances, and cut "red tape." To be effective, thi bodi must includ top busi leaders; peopl with clout and reputation.

--Rot of leader among busi and government

responsibilities,Part of the current busi problem seem to aris from a lack of understand of respect roles. challenges, priorities, etc. Mani govern offici have been insul from the harsh realiti of the busi world for much of their career. Likewise, busi leader mai not have a sound appreci for the compromises, public polici considerations, and legal ramif of government process. The role and import of human capit in the equat would be strengthen through labor leadership be involv in the rotat or experienti processes.

--Revisit QUA LITY and SERVICE

we still have a need to do more. America should develop a reput as the highest qualiti provid in the world. Business,Despit our progress in improv qualiti of product and services. Labor, and Govern will have to cooper in thi effort.

--Emphas ethics

honest,Ethical. and fair busi practic ar at the core of busi relationships. Success busi deal ar base on trust and an expect of fairness. Until thi expect is a univers realiti our busi progress will be thwarted. Busi and govern ar equal culprits. Unfair, an/or preferenti treatment is well-known. Illegal and uneth busi or Govern deal should be harshli punished. Minim consequences, or know "winks," encourag uneth behavior which ar corros to our economi and society.


and certainli the recommend initi ar not the onli area that need attention. However,Ther ar mani other factor that need to be considered. we seem to have been in a prolong period of denial and neglect. We will certainli be on our wai to a lesser nation, society, and economy, unless we soon address fundament busi concerns. All of the initi suggest in thi articl should be led and oper by volunteers, not extens of the cumbersom and costli govern bureaucracy. Support servic could, in some areas, be provid by contract employe with minim govern financi support.

W ar a nation of risk-takers, a societi of independ thinker and frontier spirit, a hard-work peopl of accomplishment, results, and well-deserv success. We recogn the chang and trend in intern busi and it crucial connect to our nation well-b and futur prospects. We know that new approach ar necessary. We'r definit up to the challenge. Let' get started.

