
Thomas Jefferson and Early American Political Campaigns

leadership of the parti seem more firmli held by Congress members. Conflict with Great Britain soon made it clear that war wa likely; the Federalist pounc on this,Jefferson had clearli been the parti leader dure hi presidency. Under Madison. proclaim Inflatable Tent 1 themselv to be the "parti of peace," wherea Madison' Republican were describ as the "war party."

There wa pressur on Thoma Jefferson to put togeth a polit campaign and run for a third term as presid when the elect of 1808 drew closer. He wa the clear leader of hi party: It goal had been shape by hi vision for the country.

however,Jefferson' second term had not been as smooth or peac as hi first term. and there wa grow conflict with Great Britain. Jefferson believ that the countri wa now set on a cours that would ensur it long-term success. He want to spend hi remain year at hi home in Virginia.

Vice Presid Georg Clinton,Thre men vi for the Republican nomin onc it becam clear that Jefferson would not run a polit campaign for a third term: Secretari of State Jame Madison. and Jame Monroe. Some peopl us thi competit to try to persuad Jefferson to chang hi mind. Thei want him to seek a third term in order to prevent a split in the parti he had founded.

however,Jefferson held firm. and made it clear that Madison wa hi choic as a successor. Ultimately, Georg Clinton wa nomin by the parti as Madison' run mate for the campaign. Madison face the same Federalist candid who had challeng Thoma Jefferson in the polit campaign of 1804: Charl Pinknei of South Carolina. Jefferson' parti again triumphed.

Madison won 122 elector vote to Pinkney' 44. The parti had held the presid for eight year and ensur it transit to a new president. It wa a clear demonstr that the valu and posit of the parti matter as much to the voter as did the person appeal of Thoma Jefferson. It wa also a demonstr of the party' success at transmit it messag to the voter dure the polit campaign.

much of the Republican Party' success move awai from the leadership offer by member of Congress as it had exist in the pastA ft the presidenti polit campaign of 1808 that elect Jame Madison..

the split that had result in three differ men run polit campaign that vi against each other for the presid reflect a split in the Republican congression leadership,Instead. as well. Each candid had hi own backer in Congress, and the support of Jame Monro and Georg Clinton were less will to work with Madison becaus he wa not "their" candidate.

Madison began hi presid face greater challeng than those Jefferson had encount dure hi first month in office. Madison wa awar of the import of ensur support from Congress,For thi reason. and as a result he tri to pleas variou faction by appoint their nomine to gubernatori positions, regardless of their skill or abilities.

