
How to Overcome Project Paralysis With a Clean Sweep Day!

Success Swimming Pool Connections. Reprint welcom so long as articl and by-lin ar print intact and all link made live c 2006..

or mayb it' anxiety,

Do you ever get that sink feel that creep up on you in the middl of the day? That feel of overwhelm. that you have SO much on your plate and you just don't know what to do next.

load new program and try to get all of my fanci "systems" to work. To top it all off,A coupl of week ago on of my client mention that he had a desk full of paper but he couldn't slow down to clean them up. I realiz that it wa kind of like the feel I wa have about technology. I had recent invest in a new comput which in theori is awesome. But now I had spent over fifteen hour between transfer files. I've got thi fanci Pocket PC phone that I can never seem to get work properli and a full-tim affair with their technic support team is blossoming.

on of my client mention the clutter from her friend - friend who alwai need her advic and ask for crazi favors. Thi clutter wa liter caus her to feel overwhelm and stressed,Clutter come in lot of forms. On a call today. simpli becaus of the emot boundari that ar be pushed.

we ar 30 - 50% less effect on what matter most - complet our goal and make money. I've person notic that clutter in more than on area can take me down faster than a nasti strain of bird flu! When we feel distract by thi type of clutter.

energi drains,That' where Clean Sweep Dai come to the rescue. Clean Sweep Dai is base on a coach tool I receiv when I wa in my coach train program. It' a great littl assess that point out the area in which you mai be caus clutter in your life with incomplet tasks. and the overwhelm "shoulds." A Clean Sweep Dai is when you block out a dai or even four hour will do where you have absolut no commit or distract and you power through all the projects, incomplet task and nag to-do' that ar prevent you from perform at 100%.

be a coach,Back to my technolog breakdown. Of course. I recogn the earli warn sign of an overwhelm melt-down and decid to face thi challeng head on! So I schedul an entir WEEK to be a Clean Sweep Week. Yes, I had client and meetings. But I schedul 3 big block of time in my calendar, got out my trusti to-do list, priorit everyth that had to get done, and I power through it.

I had so much energi and my mood wa ten time better. By simpli get some thing wrap up,Th most excit part of all wasn't even that I got so much done; it wa how much better I felt at the end of the week. I felt like a super-star!!! My mind wa clear. I creat more energi to get the bigger task done.

take a quick inventori of what need to be done. Look for thing like thisNow it' your turn. I invit you to join my client in a Clean Sweep Challeng Day. Here is what you need to do. First.:

file or "stuff" clutter in your offic* Paper.e

* Project or deliver that you rememb at 4:30 am

* Half complet idea that you rumin about

phone call or letter that you have been put of* Email.f

* Bill or situat that you need to spend time resolving

friend or busi situat that need a "discussion" to clear someth u* Family.p

* Technolog challeng that caus you from be abl to work properly.

* Broken item that bother you when you notic them

make a list of everyth that need to be address and priorit it. I recommend priorit base on what is most critic in the next 90 dai for addit inform on high-payoff priorit see the ULTIMA TE Wealth & Success Circl High Payoff Activiti audio program. Then.

Then on your schedul Clean Sweep Dai just start power through! The trick is to stai focus and not answer the phone or get side-track with emails. You can even tell everyon in your life what you ar do - I bet thei will want to join you for Clean Sweep Dai too!

smiling,Now here is the best part. Imagin it' the end of your Clean Sweep Day. You have power through a mountain of project and you feel like a million bucks. Just see yourself sit at your desk. know that everyth you just accomplish ha help you clear space for more money, more focu and more time to do what' important. You feel excit and energ and readi to take on your bigger game of success!

Want to do your Clean Sweep Challeng with even more power and momentum? Join us for Clean Sweep Challeng Day. I've design Septemb 1 as Clean Sweep day. It' fr.ee to particip and I provid all the tool to help you through the day!

