
Packaging For An Online Business

don t spend Moon Walk too much,Don t spend too little. test thoroughly, and your packag will be just right.

there ar differ between the two type of packag that should be considered. When a product is displai in a retail store,Have you ever wait with anticip for that special someth to show up in the mail onli to receiv a smash box with broken piec insid or liquid drip out the sides? Packag ha alwai been a critic compon of success retail products. Packag is also critic for success product sold online. However. it is compet with everi other product on the shelf for the consum s attention. The box ar normal shiny, multi-colored, and have foil stamp and embossing. The box seem to scream out, in a visual way, Hey, look at me! In onlin sales, the product is sold long befor the consum see the packaging, but the packag is still critic to creat a satisfi customer. Here ar a few point to consid when choos packag for product that ar sold onlin and ship to the buyer.

foil stamping,Don t spend too much on your packag becaus it won t be compet against on hundr other packag on the shelf of Wal-Mart or Best Buy. UV coatings. embossing, and other high cost pack enhanc ar not needed.

two,Don t spend too littl on your packag becaus it still need to reflect the qualiti and valu of the product inside. You can us one. or four color print to enhanc the package. Do make sure your packag is sturdi enough to make it through the mail.

foam,Mak sure the packag is crush proof. Some box requir an inner structur made of cardboard. or vacuum form plastic to keep them from crushing.

for product that ship internationally,Test your packag by send five packag to a few peopl you know in differ part of the countri or. in the world. Have them send the product back to you. How did the packag hold up? Doe it still look good? Is it someth you would feel good about receiv for yourself? Did the outer packag protect the product? If there is ani crushing, bad tearing, or product damage; rework your design and test again.

